Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is it?

It's weird..the more we are afraid of something, the more it stays with us - haunts us, follows us and seems like a constant companion!

I know of friends who hate cooking - they end up cooking all the time :-) Friends who hate traveling, friends who didn't like their families...they seem to end up exactly in a spot they hate the most! What an irony may be an expression that may describe the situation. Co-incidence is another.

Just when you think you are happy with those little, simple pleasures - life throws a curve yet again! An irony or a co-incidence?

The more you give, the more you end up giving - always. Why? Is this an irony or a co-incidence?

What's the message finally? Never count your blessings? Never imagine yourself being happy? Never care for anything? Attachments are futile?

Anger is valid or that love and forgiveness are greater virtues that will prevail?

Or is it that silence is the only constant that will cross all frames of time?

What exactly is it? tell me if you know ...

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