Saturday, January 23, 2010

This Happens Too!

This evening, I went to a party. So what was special? This wasn't a normal party of sorts. Why? Because first of all it was a Yoga party and there, I met some very incredible people!

This is a wonderful couple who live near San Francisco. Every Saturday morning, they go buy fresh vegetables and by 11:30 AM they are ready with cooking lunch for about 25-30 people. Can you believe that they have thrown their home open to anyone who wants to walk in to come in, do some Yoga with them!

Literally anyone on the street is welcomed with open arms to come to their house, do Yoga and then share a meal. They have farmers, neighbors, college students and so many people from all walks of life. After the Yoga session, their is a silent lunch where no one talks. At the end is a sharing session where everyone sits together and talks a sentence on the theme of the day - today their theme was "what happiness means to you".

This couple have even emptied their home of all unwanted materialistic things - simply to make space for people who take the time to come to their home!

I was impressed just meeting these very simple, non-egoistic, wonderful people! Kudos to all of them!

I have spent half my life already and what have I done? Nothing really. Just maybe run after people who don't care if I'm even alive or not trying to please them, care for them, make changes in my life for them and...I have handed over the control, waiting all the time for them to put a smile on my face. These are all wonderful people too - but, we all need to live our lives to realize our own passions in the end.

Maybe my love for everyone around me is my own little contribution to this wonderful world!

There is so much more to life - isn't there? There is so much to do, so much service we can do...

One little step a day...


Anonymous said...

"what happiness means to you"

What was your answer?

rendezvous said...


I'm still searching for my answer - and this comes with all honesty.

I have many a time thought it is when I see a baby's innocent laughter, at another time I thought I experienced bliss when I saw nature at it's beautiful best, little joys I thought had taken me there - but, no I don't think I have found my answer yet.

Thanks for stopping by!