Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rule(s) Of Attraction!

I was sitting there this morning sipping my coffee and thinking - what is that really makes us "like" someone?

What does all the vibes, the chemistry, the body language or even the words spoken really boil down to?

The evening comes and my little one almost every day whines..."Mumma, I don't like to play with M because she is mean..." or another day it is "Mumma, I don't think R is doing the right thing and I tried to tell mumma, and she made faces...."

And I give her a good enough explanation that tides us over for the day!

But really...what is it that makes you want to be with someone, like someone - what is that one single rule of attraction between two individuals?

Maybe different for each one of us, but I'm very tempted to say that it is all about the "make you feel good" factor. In some way. Boost your ego in some way. Agree to your ideas maybe. Age, gender and space seem meaningless in this context.

Something somewhere converges. And click!

And that's all it takes between two individuals. It exists or it doesn't. The rest I feel falls into a space I like to call "compromise". The pretense that it exists is all about borrowed time - a point that just needs a trigger to snap.

So, my reader - what works between us? Think 'bout it... :-)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Idli Cooker!

One of those funny incidents I had to share with my readers...

I do Yoga Asanas and meditation on some mornings with my neighbor/friend Ms.G! To give you a glimpse into her personality - a very bright, active, energetic person. And also very committed to any activity/cause she picks up!

So, on one of these mornings, we did the routine set of Asanas, and moved onto doing 'Pranayam'. After doing a 'Brahmari' (where one hums like the buzzing of a bee - very powerful relaxation technique) and after all the 'M-karas' I gave instructions to slip into some minutes of silence.

At the end of it, she beams up with all the energy and with a big smile tells me - "Wow! I felt sooo good today! I could hear the hissing/vibrations long after we stopped chanting the "M" sound. I think I'm finally getting it!!!"

And I on my part was torn between telling her that it was the "Idli" cooker in the kitchen that was actually making that hissing sound, versus letting her be in that state of bliss! But, my laughter got the better of me!!!

It was hilarious :-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Fear Factor

The topic I write about today has been a very interesting observation for me in the recent past. An untold something that is there in most of us.

I'm part of some kind of a financial dealing in the last couple of months where the money involved is not negligible. And all the involved parties are trying to pull the rug their way! It's an interesting play of personalities, mind tricks and everything else in between. I must admit though that I have been a little flustered but amused at the same time too.

It is that fear of losing something that keeps the wheel turning - isn't that true for all of us in some space? And it is even more interesting how we humans have a very sharpened skill at sniffing out that fear in all the others around us! Then, once the existence of that fear has been established the deadly dance begins - a very fine delicate tug that pretends to not exist yet at the same time is given enough center stage lest it be mistaken as non-existent!

Why? Because it is all about how we 'leverage' this fear. Not in the self but outside of us! And in this amazing, amusing, deadly yet at the same time that which has a child-like ignorance with a tinge of innocence - the idea is to let go when the rope is taut! And then sit back and the game crumble like a deck of cards :-)

Stripping this idea of all expression and baring it to the core - be afraid to lose and nothing can touch you! Then the tables turn, you somehow will get into a spot to call the shots. That is probably the beautiful side of 'failure'. The ugly side that is visible to the outside, but the good it does to the 'loser' on the inside! Scared for life -maybe yes. But maybe in a good way actually!

Next time try it with yourself with the various parameters that exist in your life today. Maybe you'll agree with me! Just let it go. Will be scary at first, but you'll survive...

Sharing anothe fav. with you for the weekend :-)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Special Date

Today is a special date being 09/09/09 and turned out to be a special day too...

It's one of those days that seems to be a figment of your imagination, all coming alive!

A day where things seem to flow the way you want them to, and the sunshine, the food, people - all seems great!

A great song to go with it:

Monday, September 7, 2009

Those Feel Good Factors!

A great song, those high notes or just watching some kind of expression of a talent on a stage gives me a super high! I'm sure all of you have one such song that puts you back there!

Meeting some people, listening to something or simply reading a book has pockets of that high hidden! I always wonder if this 'high' can be generalized on a common plane only to differ under a given set of circumstances - or is this 'high' factor different in itself for each of us? where does it differ at an individual level?

Blogging like this with my laptop on the counter top while I cook some Red Beans is one of my many other highs ;-)

A cool song I'm listening to as I write this - here's for you to enjoy :-)