Friday, August 7, 2009

What Rules?

We've all grown up hearing to "Do this, don't do that", "This is good, that is bad", "Don't say it this way, and do it that way" kind of rules. And I'm sure as very young kids we followed them, a few years later rebelled against them, a few more years later accepted them and so the cycle continues. They may be the same set of rules - which we accept and defy depending on various set of parameters governing that moment in time.

A very close buddy of mine is one of those people who thinks "rules? what rules?" for any given rule that crosses her path. A total rebel at that! There is another family member who thinks rules are rules and breaking them is complete blasphemy! And what do I think? I totally think every rule has an exception (too cliched perhaps!) and is so totally meant to be broken :-) I think they are made for convenience, created out of a necessity and hence can be modified for convenience - so that they serve the purpose of their existence! Aye? Nay?

I have had very heated discussions with very close friends of mine in the past - my point was always that if one believed in something and if rules were meant to be broken, then they simply had to be done. There is nothing that is right or wrong. It all lies within our perspective. It is all about how much one is willing to give..Aye? Nay? What say?

Can rules give us happiness? What use are those rules if they hurt you and those who live for you? And who made these rules in the first place? Isn't every rule an "interpretation" of sorts by you and thus rendering it a modification at some level by you?

Isn't it all about being afraid? Afraid to lose something? Then who are we calling cowards? Those that openly show it? or us who safely play the game by the rules, but would like to talk tall and heckle the cowards, who actually have the courage to be what they are out in the open? Ofcourse, they live by the rules...

It's all about being happy - so whatever works for each of us should be good! Yeah? :-) Like I always say - play the field with your own rules. There is nothing that is wrong or right.

The past is to be remembered fondly, bad happenings are meant to be purged, every hug and smile to be cherished - in the end live it in a way that makes you and those who love you happy!

Take care of yourself this maybe precious to someone too.

This song is for you...


Unawoken said...

Rendezvous, Interesting post. I learnt something about you.

rendezvous said...

Thank you Unawoken!

Anonymous said...

Nice song....

rendezvous said...

thank u.