Friday, July 11, 2008

Ozymandius - Is That You?

Just when you think you were thrown and blown away by the rough seas, just when you think you have seen the worst, just when you think you had been tainted by the worst worms of the world, just when you think the canvas was black, the dots, the lines - all merging into one big mess, in a tangle of thoughts - decipherable...I stumble upon this...thrown my way.

What can one say?

...and then there she was in resplendent glory, confident n' dignified...dignified and commanding ....with the world eating out of her hands ...holding sway over the millions who came to see her befriend her, listen to the princess ...mesmerised...and if this princess were to come home ...would the ordinary mortals ...would they have the strength and the capacity to stand the overwhelming magic of her presence...and finally when she comes n goes ...n goes having conquered the world without even a drop of blood been shed ...but nevertheless devastating everything in its wake...what would you call this ??!!...a humble tribute to long lost years by a person ovewhelmed by genuine lunacy .....???...or would you call this ...nay her...Ozymandius the King Of Kings ...nay the queen of queens ...???...overheard someone - someone who could not dare to face lady Ozymandius calling this .... You ?

1 comment:

Durga Srinivas said...

many happy returns to the king of kings ...Ozymandius ...!