Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Rule(s) Of Attraction!

I was sitting there this morning sipping my coffee and thinking - what is that really makes us "like" someone?

What does all the vibes, the chemistry, the body language or even the words spoken really boil down to?

The evening comes and my little one almost every day whines..."Mumma, I don't like to play with M because she is mean..." or another day it is "Mumma, I don't think R is doing the right thing and I tried to tell mumma, and she made faces...."

And I give her a good enough explanation that tides us over for the day!

But really...what is it that makes you want to be with someone, like someone - what is that one single rule of attraction between two individuals?

Maybe different for each one of us, but I'm very tempted to say that it is all about the "make you feel good" factor. In some way. Boost your ego in some way. Agree to your ideas maybe. Age, gender and space seem meaningless in this context.

Something somewhere converges. And click!

And that's all it takes between two individuals. It exists or it doesn't. The rest I feel falls into a space I like to call "compromise". The pretense that it exists is all about borrowed time - a point that just needs a trigger to snap.

So, my reader - what works between us? Think 'bout it... :-)

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